A Dog Blog

This little arsehole was pushing his luck last night. Sure he looks all cute with his lovely tiger stripes but don't let that fool you. Yesterday my sinuses were causing me immense pain. I decided to get a nice early night, I got my pjs on, brushed my teeth and went to get into bed when I noticed something on the bed that absolutely shouldn't be. A little puddle. With a very distinctive smell. He'd only gone and weed on my bed! I cleaned and turned the mattress, changed the sheets and luckily we had a spare smaller duvet in our camper. But by this point I was too enraged to sleep. I finally calmed to sleep at 12.30 but had restless angry dreams. Today has been spent buying a new duvet, ordering a mattress protector and washing sheets and the old duvet (so we have a spare) and walking the offending arsehole. A quick Google showed me he only does it to mask his smell as he's insecure. Probably because he was taken from his mum too early (he was found abandoned i...