Let's Talk About Those Photo Filters

Recently I've been taking issue with photo filters, there's tons of them on phones and photo apps designed to take any trace of uniqueness personality out of your face and leave you looking like a mannequin with perfect skin, contoured cheeks and eyeliner. And occasionally bunny ears.

We're setting up people with unrealistic expectations and the idea that beauty is everything. In an act of defiance I've turned off the photo filters and only post pictures of my actual face. Bags and all! Add this to the fact I don't wear make up and I often wonder how I don't end up terrifying small children. But it turns out children aren't superficial arsehole. And neither, it turns out, are my lovely friends.

Here's a poem that's stemmed from my loathing of the instagram age of fake beauty.

Broken Filters

My Snapchat filters broke today
I had to show my face
No soft focus or colour balance
Just my actual genuine face
No fake eyeliner, or contoured cheeks
No cat or bunny ears
No beauty filter to hide away
From all my beauty fears
I thought the world would laugh at me
I never show my face
How could I bear to post online
My actual genuine face?
But likes and loves came flooding in
When I posted on facebook
It seems that all lovely my friends
Did not mind my new look
And the strangest thing happened
When I walked down the high street
All my friends said hi to me
Instead of staring at their feet
We caught up for ages
We had so much fun
I realised what had happened
When the day was done
Years of filtered photos
Posted on the net
Meant I wasn't recognised
By people that I met
So follow me in my pursuit
To lose every filter that you find
You are beautiful as you are
Please do keep that in mind


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