A Brexit Poem

I studied the EU at university. Three years looking at how it worked and what it did. I still didn't feel educated enough to be the one to decide whether or not it would be financially beneficial to leave the European Union. We have politicians and quangos to decide that. Educated people who know the ins and outs of global trading and economics.

My gut feeling was stay, we're stronger together. Look at big business, the bigger the conglomerate, the better the deal. It's also a massive peace project set up after the wake of WW2 - I like peace. Who doesn't?

I describe the referendum as the equivalent of choosing your mortgage based solely on which bank logo you prefer. We were given no fiscal predictions, no plan. Nothing. I voted to stay. Oh and Lloyds, obviously, because who doesn't like horses?

We all know more of the registered electorate voted Leave yet here we are, no further away from the EU we were meant to be leaving. It's almost as if the government had no plan. The whole vote has achieved one thing, a divided country, people hurling abuse at each other over social media. Tribal politics. Classic divide and rule. Was that the plan after all?

Divide And Rule
There's a lot of people moaning
I know what we'll do
Have a national vote to choose
In or out of the EU
We'll ask the British people
What would be ideal
A common EU market
Or an individual national deal
It doesn't matter that the people
Do not have a clue
About how the EU works
And exactly what they do
We'll make them choose anyway
They'll know in their gut
If they want to exit
Or if they'd rather stay put
And if they are not sure
We can always make them guess
Doesn't matter, right or wrong
We'll blame them for the mess
We have no plan for if we leave
There is no exit tool
But we'll have a vote anyway
Classic divide and rule
Failure or success
It doesn't bother us
We're rich enough not to be bothered
By promises on a bus


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