A Story Or A Daydream?

I've always been a fan of trees, they always look like they know a lot of secrets. I met this tree today. I liked it very much. 
I really wanted to climb it but a) I'm terrible at climbing and b) it was too hot!
It was the kind of tree that looked like it should come to life and play a part in taking some hobbits to Mordor. Or maybe it was the tree Enid Blyton wrote about in The Magic Faraway Tree.  Or perhaps the Quangle Wangle lives up there with his enormous hat.

This is what my brain does when it sees something noteworthy, it filters for stories I've read, and then tries to add in it's own. My imagination sparks off and all of a sudden I see fairies flying round, pixies dancing and fireflies lighting the way. Sometimes if I'm lucky a whole story springs from it. Sometimes it's just a fleeting daydream. That was all I got today, a daydream and then back to reality for a walk through the park. 


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