
As I sit here pondering how best to fight through this writer's block I'm distracted. I've always had my concentration easily broken by noise and living in this house there is a lot of noise.

Today's distraction comes in the form of voices, foreign voices speaking on code. You see Simon is a radio ham. This means he is in to amateur radio, he's on holiday from work and all say his Yaesu ft-1000 has sat in the corner of the room hissing and talking at me. It's quite relaxing, white noise, yet at the same time makes it almost impossible to hold your concentration. 

I've written a few poems for Simon's blog before at www.hamradiooperator.blogspot.com and he's always pestering me to write more. It is however a very limiting subject so it doesn't really spark the poetry imagination. I did write him a ham radio limerick but I'm not sure if he thought I was taking the mickey (I half was).

An Amateur Radio Limerick
There once was a radio ham
Who couldn't read electronics diagrams
He tried to make a transistor
But instead of resistors
Soldered in three big slices of spam


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