
Today I'm feeling sad. It's day three after the holidays, my house is still a mess and now I'm tired thanks to two children who have decided sleep isn't their thing.

When I was at school I dreamed that I would have a fun and exciting career.  I was promised by teachers (and that lying arse Tony Blair) that if I got a student loan (I was the first year to have a loan instead of a grant) the world would be at my feet.

Instead I'm a stay at home mum with a degree (and a post grad certificate) who has no recent experience so I'm effectively unemployable.  It doesn't help that I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up and my politics and history degree is not too handy for a northern former engineering town.

I'm lost.

I'm also rubbish at housework.  It's a thankless, endless task. A task that my family undoes the hard work of within minutes of getting home.

My mood is also not helped by the fact that it's June but the weather thinks that it's April. I'm cold. The washing is backing up as my partner's too tight to buy me a dryer, it's too wet to hang it out and not cold enough for the heating to come on.

This was not what I imagined adult life was going to be like. Don't get me wrong I love my family, my kids are amazing, we've got a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. I'm lucky to be able to be at home to look after my family. I just wish I had a bit more gong on on my life. That perhaps gave me some spare change. Any ideas about future careers greatly accepted!


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