
This blog wasn't meant to be a cry for help from an overwhelmed mother but somehow that's what it appears to be morphing into. Today I am looking round my house despairing at the state of it. I found a solution though. This lovely sign I bought from the shop that will bankrupt me - B&M.

See, that makes everything better!

I am forever amazed at just how much mess two small children can make. It's a special gift they have. An exhausting, special gift.


I left the room for ten minutes
To hang the washing out
You were curiously silent
You did not scream or shout

I would have been suspicious
As I opened up the door
If I'd known you were about to throw
Everything you own upon the floor

Toys were strewn all over
And I didnt have a clue
How you'd crept so very silently
For you were only two

The place looked like a war zone
It really was a mess
How you managed to make such a tip
I can never guess

(And repeat for 15-20 years)


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