
Ever since I've had kids my tummy isn't so flat anymore. The thing about having kids is unless you are willing to put in A LOT of effort your stomach is always going to end up looking a little like a deflated balloon.

I was a bridesmaid for my sister earlier this year. I did sit-ups, exercised and was hungry for a whole month beforehand. I felt amazing. Yet when the photos came I saw this slightly plumper version of the me I imagined in my head (I'm 5ft 4 and a size 12 so understand I'm probably being mean to myself) and that was the point I decided the effort wasn't really worth it.

Today (Sunday) is hot. I've filled up the paddling pool and been sat in it in my swimming costume. My costume is at least 15 years old and no longer offers any of the support I need. I can't imagine what the neighbours must think.

Meawhile Simon has spent the weekend ripping my car apart. The water pump decided it wasn't playing anymore and decided to leak a river of pink coolant all over the street on the school run last week. I'd just got out of my swimming costume back into my clothes and saw him in the heat, working his backside off to fix it for me. Then I realised, if hes willing to do that for methen he must love me as I am. There's only me who has a problem with what I see in the mirror. I've decided to be kinder to myself, although I might cut down on snacks and move a little bit more but with the aim being to be healthy, rather than skinny. I am, however, going to invest in a new swimsuit!

I suppose my message is this, no matter what you think of yourself others will always admire something about you. Stop being so hard on yourself.


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