A Quick Trip Across The Ocean

It's bathtime for the children. In an unusual turn of events I have no washing to put away. Instead I've had 15 minutes (minus the odd break to tell them off for splashing water all over the place) to write. Today my mind went all Edward Lear on me...

Far beyond the horizon
Over land and sea
Is the land of Wikitata
The strangest place you'll see

Where palm trees sway
But they're purple and grey
And the sand is a luminous green
And way up high
By the clouds in the sky
Lives the Island Queen
In a magnificent throne
She sees all that she owns
She looks after it with great care
From the tiniest plant
To the Ursus Giant
A most truly terrifying bear
There's the pink spotted seagull
The six-toed blue eagle
And the shiny glitter-hooved horse
The sabre-toothed frog
And the insectivorous dog
Which eats only ants of course
This royal protector
Will come down to get you
If you threaten her magical land
So leave not a mark
On the ground or the bark
Nor a footprint upon the sand

Far beyond the horizon
Over land and sea
Lives the Island Queen of Wikitata
The best queen there'll ever be


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