More Down Time

It's been a week of day trips, picnics, walks, camping, blackberry picking, firewood gathering and apple picking. As a result my writing time has been severely diminished. Instead I've filled my spare moments with other creative things, crocheting and cooking mainly. Today we made a fantastic blackberry crumble. I can't help but find something extremely satisfying about gathering food myself and cooking it. Not just because it's free but the whole process of being a hunter gatherer!

I now need to decide what to do with a bag full of apples we collected from trees in the nearby woods. The youngest says cake. The eldest likes crumble. Looks like we're going to have to make sure we've got enough for both to avoid another ridiculous argument!

I'm hoping my brain will give me some more poetry soon but right now it's frazzled from school holidays! Hope you're having a fantastic summer and if you've got any good blackberry or apple recipes feel free to stick them in my comments section below.


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