The Worrier

The problem with being a worrier is you worry about everything. Even if it hasn't even happened yet, or it likely won't happen, or it's so improbable that it has only happened to one other person in the history of everything, ever.

I am a worrier. I'm a supreme worrier. I'd go so far as saying if there was an Olympic event in it I would win the gold medal. Except I wouldn't as I'd never actually make the event as I'd worry myself into such a state I'd be too busy vomiting to make it.

The irony is under actual pressure I perform quite well. Take my recent holiday as a prime example. I worried myself into a bit of a state before I went as I had a cold and obviously, in my head, if I got any worse Simon would just dump me by the roadside like an abandoned dog instead of googling the nearest pharmacy. So snotty and anxiously we headed off, until on the motorway the car started juddering, cue a tyre very rapidly running out of air. Without thinking I was straight on the phone finding the nearest garage. Simon slowed right down and we left at the next exit.

I managed to find a fantastically efficient and reasonably priced garage. One new tyre, £52 and 30 minutes later we were safely on our way. We had a great time which if anything should go to prove there's really no need for me to worry. Are you listening brain?


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