Not So Fantastic Plastic

The one thing I've realised since having the time and inclination to properly tidy my house is: someone needs to have a serious word with McDonald's about their use of plastic. And no, I don't mean straws. I mean bloody Happy Meal toys.

They're usually made of plastic, are to do with whatever kids film is showing in the cinema and are frequently a load of old shite that get played with for 15 minutes and then disappear behind the sofa, under the bed or into the bottom of the toybox.

I have two children, which means that every time we go to McDonald's we get two copies of the exact same useless toy. Before everyone starts whinging about how a good mum would only ever cook wholesome, organic, nutritious, vegan food to their kids I'd like to say the following:
  1. I'm tight so we go once a month unless it's the school holidays when it's as many times as necessary to stop the incessant moans of "I'm bored"
  2. Sod off. 
Yet the fact still remains over the course of the past 5 years we've gained quite a collection of pointless plastic toys which are inevitably going to landfill. It's all very well moaning about straws but, frankly, the thought of hundreds of thousands of Mario toys, Minions and God knows what else looking all sad and forlorn in a landfill is more concerning.

I don't want them to get rid of Happy Meal gifts. The plastic beakers have been invaluable and my children still play with the mini Ty Beanies that I collected in my student days. I just wish the stuff they gave away either had a use or was something kids actually wanted to play with.

Come on McDonald's. Sort it out.


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