
I don't think the universe intends me to be wealthy. No matter how hard I try, how much I save or any gifts I am given the universe always finds something that I need to spend it on.

A prime example of this was when I drove to the bank to take in a cheque that was inheritance from my grandma. A speeding taxi went through a red light and rammed into the side of me. As there were no witnesses and no cameras on the light and I was the one turning the insurance companies blamed me. The inheritance went on a new car.

This month I've finally managed to get in front and lo and behold the washing machine has now decided that spinning is for losers. Back to breaking even again.

I suppose I should be grateful,  there are many who struggle much more than me. At least I'm lucky enough to have savings.

Recently I was made aware of a friend's struggle. Long story very short her husband has been ill and been receiving Statutory Sick Pay for quite some time. They have just about managed but there is literally no help for people who are in work but with a reduced income. This became a problem when my friend needed immediate medical attention. She was given a prescription for 2 items it was £17.60 she just couldn't afford and ended up having to borrow the money from relatives.

This is not the kind of thing that should be happening in a civilised first world society. People shouldn't have to struggle to get medicines. Especially not people who are normally working and contributing into the system. Why is there no safety net for people who through no fault of their own are on long term sick? And crucially why is there no option to pay for medicines at a later date? Surely medical need should outweigh profit? When did the world get do greedy?

My friend is not asking for exemption. She simply would have liked the option to pay later when she has the money and as a rule has set up this petition asking the government for 28 days to pay for prescriptions. While some might argue a credit card gives you that option not everyone wants, is eligible for a credit card.

It's time we started putting people first. A message this current government would do well to take on board.


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