The Oyster
The world is my oyster
I'm one lucky girl
But is it an oyster
Containing a pearl?
As my youngest child merrily made her way to her first day at school I'm struck with the realisation I have free time for the first time in 7 years. I'm faced with options. Many, many options.
Financially it's tough but we're coping so there's no immediate rush to grab any old job. So here I am at a crossroads, except it's more like the spaghetti junction. I could do anything I wanted. It's exciting, it's scary. It's overwhelming. What do I want to be when I grow up? Shouldn't I know by now?
It was strangely quiet in the house today. I didn't really like it. I've been at a young person's beck and call constantly for 7 years. It is beyond strange to just be able to do what I want uninterrupted. I'm not sure I like it. I'm sure I'll get used to it but for now I'll busy myself with household chores and coffee with friends.
Hopefully as time progresses I'll have that bolt of inspiration, or that boost of confidence to find a suitable publisher and actually submit some of my children's books. It's time to think about what I want for me for a bit, which is a very alien concept. First stop: hairdressers. It has been four years since my last haircut!
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