My old school got demolished yesterday. It's been rebuilt, all shiny and new with steel and cladding in lieu of plywood and asbestos. They even demolished the old part - Haggas Hall - which quite frankly should have been listed. This, however, is not the history I feel most sad to lose. Deep within the school was a special place, a place I felt at home after I'd been the most confused and lost I'd ever been. Strap in, you're about to hear a mental health story… In 1995/6 I missed 6 months of school when I was diagnosed with clinical depression. I remember it very vividly, I was sat on a table in Mrs Sweeney’s classroom down by the PE rooms, next to the exit to the all weather pitch (famously known as the pitch that was crap in all weather). One minute I felt fine, the next I felt dizzy, panicked and unwell. I had caught a virus which subsequently went on to deplete my stores of serotonin. Goodbye happy. Hello depression. I withdrew into myself, hiding in my be...
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