A Community Facebook Group Poem

Welcome to this facebook group
Now we've let you in
Make sure you read the rules
Hi we are the admin

This group is for local things
For our community only
Nothing from another place
I'm talking about you Tony!

Abuse will not be tolerated
Keep it nice and light
Fun stuff only if you don't mind
None of that political shite

So you scroll down to read the news
Is something fun going on?
This will be so nice you thought
Boy… were you so wrong...

There's dog shit on my street again!
Someone's nicked my bin!
They've parked across my drive again
How will I get in?

There's sheep wondering across the road!
Is this your peacock?
New business opened in the village
Come see our brand new stock

Sorry I didn't realise
Adverts were only on a set day
Admin remove if not allowed
Need a plumber asap will pay

I really need my lashes done
Also who can do my nails?
Cash for scrap metal
I also take cars and mot fails

I saw a dodgy man today
Walking down the road
He was probably a burglar.
Look! My photo of a toad!

There's runners on the moor again.
Have you seen this dog?
And oh my God they're at it again
How dare they ride their quads?!

Posts and posts of inane shite
To waste away your day
And quite a few (who shall remain nameless)
With far too much to say

Sarcasm a plenty
And lots and lots of moans
So you snooze the posts for 30 days
And click "return to home."


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